Cost efficiency and speed: Without conducting LCAs traditionally involves external consultants, costing $30k-$100k for a single assembly and taking 6-18 months. With LCAs are 1/10 the cost of traditional methods and we get you to a verified EPD at a fraction of the time. Accelerate time-to-market with sustainability data available at the speed of ideas, not months later.
Simplicity through unique data access: Distributors don’t have carbon footprint data. Traditional data providers in the electronics industry don’t have carbon footprint data. Most manufacturers don’t have carbon footprint data. We do. Traditional LCAs thus require coordination with over 148+ stakeholders for a single product. With you can integrate our API and let us worry about the rest.
Actionable insights: By providing quick and reliable estimates of carbon footprints
we enable you to identify high-emission areas early on and implement targeted strategies to reduce the carbon footprint of your BOM. Choose between alternates not only based on price and availability, but also based on CO2e.